We have been desperately awaiting for HTC’s Thunderbolt’s first looks , writing about it was supposed to be a bundle of joy, but as the weeks have gone on and the bad news continues to pile up (sky-high prices, moved release dates, Skype issues, hotspot issues), it’s become increasingly painful. So when we saw tonight that the new Best Buy Buyer’s Guide was listing the device at $299 on 2-year contract instead of $249, we’re on the verge of giving up on it completely and instead moving on to the next versions of our DROID family members.
And who knows, maybe this price is is pre-discount and it’ll end up being $249 after all, but that still doesn’t help the fact that many of us buy phones at full retail and the $749 mark is well, a giant slap to the face. The sad thing is, we almost predicted this would happen back in January, although we never thought it would get this bad.Check out the price page snapshots below .
So are you planning to get the Thunderbolt anyway now after this disappointment .