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Bloggers this is for you . If tracking your website traffic is one of your hobbies ? mAnalytics can do a lot for than what you expect a mobile client does and the best part is its mobile friendly .

Start the app just add your Google account information and you are ready to go with all the analytics account you have within . Arranged in the same hierarchy model you can go through your useful site statistics with an ease .

The benefits of this app over traditional browser based analytics are higher speed due to low bandwidth requirements and simple UI yet effective .

Within each domain you have options to view reports of “today” , “yesterday” , “last 7 days” , “last 30 days” and also a custom range that you specify .

You can view reports in text layout or graph , just choose it from the menu . The reports include options like Visits , pageviews ,  unique visitors , pages/visit , Bounce rate , avg time on site , New visits , referrers and search terms .

For a mobile app these are some options which serve anyone’s purpose and that’s what a user looks when he wants some analytics information on the go .

Though the developer wants you to watch some ads because he provides the app for free , there no harm to just neglect them knowing the fact that there’s no official Google analytics client available on the market .

you can also purchase a Pro version which cuts these Ads off and adds functionalities like multiple accounts usage , multiple graph types , both orientation visualization mode , variety of widgets and more .

Check out the screenshots to get a better idea of the app .

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