You’re presented with a color, and told to memorise it. Once you have, you tap done and you’re taken to a screen with a coloured square and three sliding scales – red, green and blue. Your job is to slide the scales around until the color you memorised on the first screen is replicated in the square above – if you’re closer than 75%, you move on to the next color.
It sounds like a simple task, but you’d be surprised how difficult it can get. At times the 75% marker is a little too lenient, but other than that the game is a neatly realised visual puzzler, that doesn’t so much task the grey matter as it does the white orbs attached to the grey matter. It’s fun, quick and there are a decent amount of levels to keep you playing.
Don’t let the terrible visuals of ColorBlind put you off, it’s a nice little game that will keep your eyes trained and your brain entertained for a good while. At the moment, it’s an app you show to your friends for all the wrong reasons, but with a bit of polish and an updated UI, it could turn into one you’d show off with pride.