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As smartphones become capable of performing more and more complex tasks, the thought of losing your phone becomes more and more terrifying. Losing your cell phone ten years ago meant that whoever found it would have access to your contact list, and that copy of Tetris that came preloaded on your phone, but losing your phone today means that they’d have access to personal and professional documents, your Gmail account, and any other file or service you might have installed.

Seekdroid gives users an easy way to protect and find their phone if it’s lost or stolen. Aster installing Seekdroid, you’ll be prompted to set up an account on which allows you to track your phone remotely, lock it, hide the Seekdroid app on your phone, see recent calls to and from the phone, set off an alarm that also displays a message, and even wipe the phone completely.

The tracking service uses your phone’s GPS to pinpoint its location within a 60 meter radius. It won’t help you figure out where in your apartment the phone is, but if you’re not sure whether you lost it at the grocery store, or the restaurant you went to for lunch, Seekdroid will help you narrow the choices down. If your phone was stolen, Seekdroid’s tracking capabilities will provide you with a location that the police can use to track it down.

Using the Seekdroid website to lock your phone entails entering and verifying a lock code, and then hitting the lock button. The phone will be almost instantly locked, even if the phone was in use when you locked it. A thief wouldn’t be able to do anything other than reboot or power off your phone once it’s been locked, and as such, your personal information would be safe.

Once you know where your phone is, and you’ve locked intruders out of it, you can then set off an alarm that will play a loud noise, and display a message of your choosing. If, for example, you lost your phone at a restaurant, you could push a message to the phone asking that whoever found it call you back at a specific number to arrange a time and place for you to pick it up. Or, if you’re using a laptop or a friend’s smartphone while hunting for your phone, you could ask whoever found it to hold it up in the air so you could spot them easily once you’re close enough to it.

Seekdroid offers every feature you could want in the unfortunate event that your phone gets lost or stolen. In fact, in a worst case scenario, you can even use the Seekdroid site to wipe all data from your phone, and the SD card, ensuring that your data won’t fall into the wrong hands. Each feature works exactly how you’d want it to, making this app a must-own for anyone with an Android phone.

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