If you regularly listen to podcasts, you probably use a podcast manager like Beyondpod, DoggCatcher or PodTrapper. You use the podcast manager to download podcasts and then listen to them. This means that you don’t need to play podcasts in your music player. Unfortunately, all Android music players automatically list all of the downloaded podcasts. If you put your music player in shuffle mode so random songs of yours play, you will occasionally get a podcast which will force you to get your mobile out and press the skip button. There is no setting in your podcast manager to stop music players from doing this! There is a solution though. It does involve a few minutes tinkering with a file manager, but it only needs to be done once.
1. Download ES File Explorer (You can use another file manager but it needs to be able to create a blank file)
2. Open up the file manager and navigate to the music folder in your podcast managers directory (My podcast manager is called DoggCatcher so I opened up the folder called “DoggCatcher”. I then opened up a folder called PodCastEnclosures, this is because this was the folder that stored the podcasts.)