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Animado-Animated Messaging

Animado-Animated Messaging

Texting is a hobby for millions of mobile phone owners, who text on an average 10 times per day. Texting is a great way to stay in touch with friends, colleagues or family by sharing thoughts, jokes , or just gossiping on anything. Nothing matches the fun of texting and that’s where fun got better with symbols and text based emoticons. The emoticons are available for many of the popular languages which help users express their emotions in a cute way. Texting has been fun for decades and that’s where Animado – Animated Messaging comes into picture and takes texts even further with animated messaging.

The text delivered to the recipient is usually the final version of text you type, unless you accidently press the send button. While you also make mistakes, corrections and change the complete message at times while typing a message. Animado lets the recipients see what was actually typed and how. Animado makes the texting experience more enjoyable and fun while also projecting the intent and thoughts of sender behind the text.

How it works?

You type a message with Animado’s interface where your each stroke is recorded and converted to an animation, which when in action looks similar to textual introductions shown in Sci-Fi movies. After typing the message users can either play it to see it in action or directly convert it to animated format with “animate” button.

The app provides preference options like choosing your font type, size, color and background color with transparency effects. The text can be slowed down in terms of speed according to users requirement, thus giving the recipient a clear view of each stoke.

You can access each message created or sent using the app which is saved in messages section from where it can be shared again with other people.

The bottom line:

The objective behind creation of Animado is making the texting experience more fun and interesting. Whether its quick texting or a special message for your loved one’s as Animado uses the default keyboard used by the device it is really simple and quick to type messages in your style and share them via the default share options supported on your device.  Animado offers infinite possibilities in terms of its applications and can be used in creative ways to get new effects out of simple typing action.

Animado – Animated Messaging is a freebie on the Android Market, so try your hands on and see what you can make out of it.

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