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Android App Reviews sites : The Good, the Bad and the need to market your android app.

Android App Reviews sites : The Good, the Bad and the need to market your android app.

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The Android Market is already flooded with a wide variety of android apps for phones as well as tablets. With over 500,000 apps already submitted to the Android Market, and around 345,000 active applications, not long before the Android Market  will surpass the app count on Apple’s app store. Today, the Android Market has an app for almost anything and everything you want your device to do but it can be a laborious task to choose the right app for your requirements out of the dozen of similar apps that are available on the market. The overcrowded android market leaves users with no choice but to test each of them or rely on other users review and experts advices that can help users choose the right app by highlighting its features without wasting on an app in terms of money, time and resources of their device. With android app reviews that highlight the pros and cons of an app and also compare it with similar apps users can get a better understanding and thus decide whether or not to go for a specific app . On the other hand Android app reviews have become equally important for app developers due to the fact that Android Market does not offer much room to explain the potential of their app by just listing it there.

In this overcrowded android market, it can be a backbreaking job for an app developer to get his/her app in a prominent place. Hence arises the need to promote their app effectively. For an app developer looking to create a buzz for his application, Android app reviews become a practical platform. There are numerous Andorid app reviews websites where developers can submit their applications for review and get featured. App Marketing Experts say that these review websites are an excellent platform for app developers to promote their applications.

For mobile users, Android app review websites and blogs comes across as a platform which can update them on the newly launched apps and games. Additionally they can also read android app reviews of these newly released apps and then can make an informed choice. All popular websites have experts who review the apps and hence you will get a fair assessment on a particular Andrioid app.

Though there also are few negatives of android app review sites too that could leave developers disappointed. For example a few sites charge for android application reviews, this generally is for the Expedited reviews.  The fee charged is usually for speeding up the review which otherwise would had takes weeks before the app gets reviewed out of the hundreds of request from other app developers and users that come each day. The reason behind creation of “Expedited Android app review” is to benefit readers as well as developers. These also encourage the contributors and editors to give a honest review of your app by prioritizing the app review over their daily job.

Submit Android app for review on websites, what are they ?

As said earlier, there are a number of top android app review sites that provide authentic and comprehensive information to mobile users. You can check out our list of top android app review sites. Users can visit these websites or subscribe to their feeds and read their reviews before downloading any app. However, don’t get swayed by a single review. Read a couple of Android app reviews and then make a choice on whether a particular app should be downloaded or not.

Android App developers looking for top Android app review sites or blogs to submit their app should choose sites that have a good number of visitors. There are many site analytics tool from where developers can get information on the traffic of a website. Secondly, the credibility of the website should also be an important factor. And, then the marketing objective would be achieved.

So, whether you are a discerning user looking for the right advice on Android apps and games or a android app developer looking for ways to promote your app, android app review websites are a very useful resource for both.

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  1. I have some source code for an iphone app I developed. Can anybody suggests any sites I can use to post my app for sale?

  2. Agreed, it is a lucrative but overburdened market in which it is becoming increasingly difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff. Hopefully with the new Google Play updates and websites like AndroidAppLog, app users and app gamers will have a better direction to their app needs.

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