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The New Social Marketplace announced by Tapjoy &  PapayaMobile

The New Social Marketplace announced by Tapjoy & PapayaMobile

Tapjoy &  PapayaMobile have finally come together to expand the reach of both of their useful products in a much effective way, through what they are calling as a Social Marketplace. This will work by leveraging an important part of each’s services to improve the other. As we all are aware Tapjoy’s service incentivizes app downloads in games by offering in-game rewards for app downloads. The Social Marketplace will  utilize recommendations on basis of Papaya friends to feature games that are more in line with the user’s choice and what their friends are playing. This will definitely allow consumers to see more relevant ads that are targeted for them, and app developers will see a better engagement and monetization from these users.

According to Mihir Shah, CEO of Tapjoy,

“Our entire business is built around delivering as much value to consumers as possible, and clearly there’s considerable value in helping them discover new games based on what their friends are playing. PapayaMobile’s social network has the scale and reach, particularly across the U.S. and China, to help make our ads further targeted and more engaging for users.”

Si Shen, CEO of PapayaMobile had similar favorable things to say about Tapjoy. “Tapjoy is the industry leader when it comes to ad networks that deliver proven, effective distribution and monetization. By teaming with Tapjoy for a Social Marketplace, we’ll be able to offer game developers the very best advertising solution.”

The push for advertisement monetization on Android will likely be important for Tapjoy, especially as opportunities are reduced on iOS. Their service of incentivized app installs was shut down by Apple a while back, and recently, Temple Run was removed from the App Store by Apple for their incentivized video ads. Google is far less restrictive on these policies, and thus this could allow the platform to thrive as an alternate source of monetization for free apps.

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About Himanshu

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