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tasks android app review

We have seen a lot of to-do/task managers in the past and today we would like to highlight few pros and cons of the recently released “Tasks” Android app. The reason we specifically choose Tasks for review is its growing popularity and 5/5 star rating on Google Play. Frankly speaking, there nothing really unique or new about “Tasks” android app but with the first touch we fell in love with this simple task manager that brings the best of all worlds. Well, its simplicity doesn’t make it a dumb app, rather its powerful enough to let you make a switch from your heavily stuffed favorite To-do app.

The first thing you are going to stare at it for  is its beautiful and really clean interface. The default white-blue theme is amazing but we just love it in the black-blue combination that makes it more like an ICS default app and brings the same elegance which Holo brings to ICS.  Starting the app for the first time doesn’t bring you to a completely new world; rather you get all your Google tasks on your fingertips with just one tap to connect the account. All your task lists, tasks, indents, task details and sort orders are synced in their very original form. So you are ready to go on with the app within minutes of the first launch.

Now that you have everything on your fingertips, you can scroll through Task lists by swiping left or right on the screen, choose your Google account if you have multiple accounts added from the dropdown menu and quickly add a task with “+” button. The the app brings the auto sync scheduler, there’s also a sync button on the top bar for instant sync, when you want it the manual way.   You can always mark your tasks as complete or reorder and indent/un-indent multiple tasks at once by selecting them from any screen. Moreover marking any task(s) as complete will pop a toast like notification which can be tapped to clear any or all completed tasks. Alternatively the completed tasks can be cleared by selecting one by one from the task list to get a cleaner environment for management, though you can access them anytime from the completed tasks section and undo any mistakes. Tapping on a task takes you where you expect it to and you will be able to change the list under which a task is assigned, set a reminder and add notes.  Even more customizations like choosing a sound for reminder, turning on vibration and choosing a specific led color as a reminder can be achieved from the settings menu. Of course the sounds and color of Led are based on device and may not give the same experience on all devices.

The app supports automatic sync with your accounts on regular intervals between never sync, hourly, 3, 6, 12 hourly and every day. The developer has blessed the app with wonderful widgets that carry the same theme you experience as your choice within the app. The widgets are available in sizes of 2×2, 2×3, 3×3, 3×4,4×4. I really wish there were more choices because my home screens are always riddled with a variety of widgets and adjusting it on a stock launcher can be difficult at times but if you use a custom launcher you do not need to worry about sizes and shapes which can be easily molded to your requirements

My search for a perfect task manager comes to an end for now with the simplicity, style, integration and power of Tasks android app. Its smooth and quick management is really what a lot of users are actually looking at when paying for a potential To-Do / Task manager app. Tasks is also available in a fully featured AD supported edition which is absolutely ad free for first 10 days of trial and later adds a couple of annoying ads on the task manager interface which can be pulled out with an quick upgrade. If your android phone is what you look at when planning your schedules and tasks, definitely Tasks app deserves a quick look.

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This Android app review was performed on HTC Sensation XE running Android 2.3

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