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CyanogenMod 10 welcomes Android 4.1 JellyBean, will be released soon

CyanogenMod 10 welcomes Android 4.1 JellyBean, will be released soon

CyanogenMod 10 release

If you are one of the CyanogenMod ROM fans, now is the time to eagerly await the release of official CM10. Hopefully CyanogenMod 10 will be released soon with all the goodness of JellyBean ( Android 4.1 ).

The latest updates from CyanogenMod speak a lot about the future development. Here it goes:

    Repositories for all AOSP projects have been created on our github to alleviate any potential mismatches (branch is ‘jellybean’).

While Jelly Bean won’t require a major rewrite of all the CM features, the source has been re-arranged and re-factored enough that a simple merge isn’t possible. So we will proceed with manual merging (this was to be expected really).

The plan of attack will be to cherry-pick everything from CM9 and fix the merge conflicts and relocations. It’s tedious but the only way. Ideally the original patch authors will forward-port their changes, so if you are out there and want to help out, join us in #cyanogenmod -dev.

+ Trebuchet might be messy to rebase onto JB.

+ Theme Engine will be messy.

+ SystemUI stuff will need to be restyled.

+ Lockscreen stuff will need to be restyled.

+ The current UX of Settings is good, no reason to change anything there.

A manifest (Cyanogenmod/android.git) will be going up later this afternoon, so the masses will be able to sync directly from our source at that point as well.

This will be it on the updates (so we can focus on actually working). Next post referencing JB should be when the merge/cherry-pick process is complete.

We are really excited about CyanogenMod and JellyBean making their way to our devices very soon.

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