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Nexus Q shipments delayed by 2-3 weeks due to no stock

Nexus Q shipments delayed by 2-3 weeks due to no stock

Nexus Q availablity on Play Store

Looks like Google is unable to meet the demands of the tech savvy geeks who are currently awaiting the delivery of Nexus Q. Though users were promised a 3-5 days shipping time initially looks like they will have to wait a little longer for over 2-3 weeks.

The Play store product page is not showing a approximate shipping time of 2-3 week. You can head over to the Nexus Q product page on Play Store here and order it if you are ready for the wait or just try and get it on eBay.

So what’s up with the shipments? Is it that Google wasn’t confident about its own product to produce a handful of them or is it that cue ball shaped device is facing some manufacturing issues. We are yet to get any confirmation yet.  But to everyone who added Nexus Q to their shopping list, just needs to be more patient until official confirmation.

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