ADB and FASTBOOT Driver installation on Linux computers
Installing drivers on Linux is as easy as doing nothing. Firstly it is important to note that you do not need any drivers for Android SDK on linux (adb shell), but to get fastboot working you need the binary in SDK package. Configuring Fastboot on linux required your to:
3.Copy this to your SDK directory
/path_to_your_SDK_directory/platform-tools –or—
if you use fastboot often and you don’t want to type cd /path_to_your_SDK_directory/platform-tools, ./fastboot every time, you can do this:
1. Open Terminal and type:
sudo nautilus
to get file browser with root privileges.
2. Copy fastboot binary to /bin directory
Now, just open terminal and type fastboot and that’s it? Copy thisfile to /etc/udev/rules.d