This list is a collection of some of the best and most popular features in demand on the HTC One X. Probably you would like to add some new features, change some manufacturer defaults, remove elements or enhance your experience on the One X. Check out the below list while also considering the compatibility with your ROM and base before you proceed with any of them. Due to continuous development and frequent updates that are supported by new ROM version it is hard to specify clearly that upcoming or the latest version(on thee day of download) will be fully compatible with your ROM. For all necessary information please refer the developers thread with compatibility information and features.
- One eXtreme Sound Enhancer v18.0
- MusicBox ver 3.0 RC1
- Beats Mode – EQ options + beats profiles+ Enhanced Beats sound V6.5
- Advanced Power Menu / AutoBrightness
- AutoBrightness settings
- HTCCamera 4.5 V2.0
- OneXed Camera Mod-V3.0
- Enhanced Quick Settings for 2.15/2.17 Base
- Rosie Landscape Base 2.15
- NFC on screenoff
- Small fonts for ALL roms
- [Fix] video cam stretch problem on AOSP camera.apk
- XxXPachaXxX Sony Exclusive Pack
- Ultra & Super Smooth Sense 4.0 Launcher (Rosie) + AutoRotate + Supercharged
- Remove Menubar for odexed Stock Rom
- Change/Remove sound made when you alter volume
- script – disable key backlight
- faster GPS fix | AROMA | v3
- Volume+ compatibility
- Enable 2D GPU rendering & about build.prop tweaks
- Statusbar dropdown image fix
- Tegra 3 Power Management Fix
- AGPS Patch
- Disable ICS 3 Dot menu
- Volume Wake
See the full guide on Rooting HTC One X .