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Asteroids Crack Multiplayer Reviewed

Asteroids Crack Multiplayer Reviewed

If you have a never ending affair with space shooter games here’s your chance to take a stand for the future of mankind. Asteroids Crack Multiplayer starts with a plot featuring you as a hero who takes the challenge of clearing the huge asteroid field that has formed around our solar system and even a single impact could devastate the life on earth.

The game has two game modes, single and multiplayer. Both game modes are quite different in the way they are played and the controls used and you have a handy rule book to help you get started.  The single player game mode gives a view from the cockpit of your space craft where you shoot the asteroids as you fly through the cluttered  space. Failing to do so will end your mission and any progress you have achieved. While the multiplayer mode can be played with your friends by creating or joining a room and choosing your customized spacecraft from the available options.  The complexity and the speed of asteroids keeps increasing as you level up but to counter it you also get a upgraded spacecraft with dual fire capability.

The challenge in the game is to identify the differently coloured asteroids to earn bonuses , protection and staying alive. Fiery red asteroids need to be hit twice to blast while the green ones give you extra protection for limited time and the gold ones give double bonus giving you a higher score gain per level boosting your leaderboard position.  Asteroids come flying from any direction and you need to direct your spacecraft and even reposition it in multiplayer game when you are playing as a team.  Personally we found the multiplayer mode easy to manoeuvre the spacecraft and keeping the fire going on with the same button used to direct the spacecraft. While this isn’t a downside because the single player mode begs to be more challenging at the same time.

Asteroids Crack Multiplayer connects to your Google account and you can earn achievements for a different variety of challenges that you complete as well as be a part of global leaderboards to brag about your scores to your friends.

Overall the game comes with fluid multi-touch controls and can be played quite comfortably with both your thumbs. The graphics and interface are well designed and  give the game a clean and appealing look.  Asteroids Crack Multiplayer is for anyone from who loves gaming on the go to fanatic gamers who love staying on top of leaderboards. If you love team work and arcade action Asteroids Crack Multiplayer will be fun and rewarding experience.

If you wish to try a hands on with this game we are going to run Christmas giveaway of this paid app and you can have it all yours for free.  Stay tuned to the giveaways section or this post. 30 early birds will get a chance to win Asteroids Crack Multiplayer.


Giveaway is live :

(expires 1st Jan 2017)

Tweet Tweet If you have a never ending affair with space shooter games here’s your chance to take a stand for the future of mankind. Asteroids Crack Multiplayer starts with a plot featuring you as a hero who takes the challenge of clearing the huge asteroid field that has formed around our solar system and …

Review Overview

User Interface

Bring it on!

Summary : If you love team work and arcade styled gameplay Asteroids Crack Multiplayer will be a fun and rewarding experience.


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This Android app review was performed on HTC One M9 + running Android 6.0

android arcade games android game review free games giveaways multiplayer games physics based game

About Veronica

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