Though there is nothing new and fancy about Infinite Speed which games in the same genre have but its mere simplicity and responsive controls make it fun to roll through the canyons in all new space with pillars that obstruct your way. The game is all about how far you can get without crashing your spacecraft. On your way to glory, the game takes news twist and turns to beat you down, the pillars are not stationary like every before and you have to dodge your way before a pillar rises again.
The graphics aren’t something out of the box but they definitely are clean. Each time you restart the challenge you are presented with new variations in graphics and sound effects too change with them.
Get ready to turn the obstacles down and take the testInfinite Speed – A faced paced obstacle course of Infinite Speed, a game that can be played in and for short breaks to boost you up.
Video Walk-through :
Review Overview
Controls - 95%
Graphics - 90%
Concept - 80%
Replayability - 90%
A faced paced obstacle course
Summary : Get ready to turn the obstacles down and take the test of Infinite Speed, a game that can be played in and for short breaks to boost you up.